Our most popular headstones by far, our flat markers are the most common and
affordable way to memorialize your loved one. These are installed flush into the
ground and are made from solid granite, guaranteed for life. Free photos and free
shipping are included!
These elegant bevel marker memorials are a step up from our flat markers. They are installed above ground and are thicker at the back then the front for a
beautiful viewing angle. These also include free photos and free shipping with all orders.
For a headstone that stands out, look no further than our slant markers. These are large headstones that incorporate a serpentine top and beautiful hand-chiseled edges to create a lasting testament to the memory of your loved one. Photos and shipping are always free!
When you want the very best for your loved one, choose our upright headstones. These are our flagship memorials and are a cut above the rest. With a separate top (tablet) and bottom (base) made from solid granite, this option is for those who want to spare no expense in honoring their loved ones memory. Includes free photos and shipping.